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Fierté Multi-Academy Trust

Our Family of Schools


Computing Curriculum Aims 

At Violet Way Academy, we aim to prepare our children for a rapidly changing technological world. Technology is everywhere and will play an important role in our pupils’ lives now and in the future. We aim to model and educate pupils on how to use technology positively, responsibly and safely through our computing lessons and within the wider curriculum.  

We choose to use Purple Mash Computing because it is a powerful, comprehensive, inclusive and accessible programme aligned to the National Curriculum and EYFS Framework, and beyond, with full schemes of work intended to facilitate teachers in achieving the very best outcomes for pupils, regardless of starting points. It exposes pupils to a wide variety of computing knowledge, skills, experiences and real-life scenarios which supports the notion of Cultural Capital; providing the foundations that lead to well-rounded global citizens. The learning for each year group in Purple Mash is broken into units covering three main components: 

  • Computer Science
  • Information Technology
  • Digital Literacy 

All children will experience high-quality computing teaching, supported by a comprehensive Scheme of Work. Any children with identified SEND may have work additional to and different from their peers in order to access the curriculum dependent upon their needs. Within the units are opportunities for all children to make good progress and achieve, this includes supporting children through scaffolding and more structured activities or extending learning through open ended application of skills. The Purple Mash Computing Scheme of Work enables children to learn knowledge, skills and understanding, including subject-specific vocabulary, during structured tutorials and provides opportunities for them to master and apply their knowledge, skills and understanding in more open-ended scenarios. 

Our Computing Curriculum is high quality, well thought out and is planned to demonstrate progression and build on and embed knowledge, skills and understanding. If children are keeping up with our computing curriculum, they are deemed to be making good or better progress. We monitor the impact of our computing curriculum through pupil voice, learning walks, reflective staff feedback and moderation.  

Online Safety 

We greatly value the use of technology in a safe and respectful manner. As well as teaching children about online safety through their computing lessons, we also take part in the National Safer Internet Day every year, to positively reinforce the key messages around staying safe online with pupils and parents. This allows us to implement an effective and engaging approach to online safety while meeting our safeguarding duties as outlined in the latest KCSIE (Keeping Children Safe in Education) guidance. Parents are made aware of online safety issues through the school website, newsletters, home learning activities and in-school workshops.  

Computing in EYFS Reception 

Although the EYFS Framework (2021) does not make explicit reference to computing, at Violet Way Academy we recognise that learning about computing and technology is important for our Reception children. This will ensure that pupils enter Year 1 with a foundational of knowledge of computing. Computing in Reception does not mean typing out a Word document or creating a code, our Computing scheme for Reception is centred around activities that focus on building children’s listening skills, curiosity, creativity and problem solving, whilst introducing them to Purple Mash programmes and features, such as: 

  • 2Paint a Picture for creating digital pictures 
  • Mini Mash topic based picture stories to read 
  • Simple City for creating a familiar environment 
  • Slideshows for exploring topics of interest 
  • 2Design and Make to explore and create 3D model designs.  

Computing at Violet Way in Reception means:? 

  • taking a photograph with tablet or camera 
  • watching video clips and slideshows to support their learning across the curriculum 
  • listening to music and using digital technology to create their own music 
  • recording their voice (for singing, storytelling or building sentences verbally) 
  • following and creating basic instructions to make objects on screen move or direct vehicles 
  • exploring maps, jigsaws and accessing a variety of games to support their learning across all areas of learning 
  • searching for information on the internet 
  • using digital technology to support their learning (by planning models or recording their ideas, for example) 
  • exploring mechanical and digital toys 

Our Reception Computing Curriculum is designed to enable our youngest pupils to develop a familiarity with technology, digital equipment and vocabulary. The Purple Mash Scheme of Work for Reception is planned across all seven areas of learning (Communication and Language; Personal, Social and Emotional Development; Physical Development; Literacy; Mathematics; Understanding the World; and Expressive Art and Design). It is a flexible approach to meet the needs and interests of the children and provides teachers with lots of lesson ideas that support children’s development of knowledge, skills and understanding and provides them with an introduction to some of the Purple Mash programmes and features. There is a full Scheme of Work for teachers to plan from, covering all seven areas of learning, illustrated in the example below. 

Computing in KS1

Please download our Computing Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Progression Document at the bottom of the page for more detailed information about our computing curriculum in Year 1 and Year 2. 


Miss Smith
Computing Lead