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Fierté Multi-Academy Trust

Our Family of Schools


The Governing Board are the strategic leaders of our school and have a vital role to play in making sure every child receives the best possible education.  Their purpose, reflected in the law, is to 'conduct the school with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement at the school'.  They have a strong focus on three core strategic functions:

Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;

Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff;

Overseeing the financial performance of the school with the Trust board finance Committee and making sure its money is well spent.

We are fortunate to have a strong Governing Board who are committed and work with staff to ensure that all learners achieve and fulfil their potential.  The Governing Board meet on a termly basis. In addition, the Governors meet as a Curriculum & Standards Committee every term as well as fulfilling their role as a Link Governor, holding school to account.  

Our Chair of Governors is: Mr Peter Collinson
Violet Way Academy
Violet Way
Burton on Trent
DE15 9ES 

Tel: 01283 24853

Fierté Multi Academy Trust is committed to promoting and prioritising diversity and inclusion.  We encourage our academy local governing boards (LGB’s) to recognise the benefits of diversity and appoint governors from a variety of backgrounds. 

A proportion of our trustees/governors are from ethnic minorities, with an approximate 50% being female.  However, the trust understands that more needs to be done to increase representation on LGB’s and we are working with them to grow the networks we engage with to further this aim. 

Getting people from diverse backgrounds onto our LGB’s is an important step.  The Trust supports LGB’s throughout the process of recruiting new governors, with strategies they can put in place to ensure all governors feel included which leads to improved retention.  This is an ongoing process which we will need to keep reflecting on as to how we achieve this. 

Governor Meeting Attendance

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Mr Peter Collinson - Chair of Governors

I am Pete Collinson, I am married to Sarah, have 3 children and live in Stapenhill. Originally from Cumbria, I moved to the area in 2001 and have since made Burton my home.

Professionally, I have held a number of senior commercial and analytical positions over the past 20 years in employment and I currently work for Volvo Trucks UK and Ireland as Aftermarket Sales and Extended Offer Director.

I feel my contribution will provide the opportunity to give something back to the community.

I believe it is incredibly important to help shape the young people in our area and support the school system from which I have benefited as I have grown up. It would also provide the chance for me to be more closely involved in the education of my own children and to help shape the next generation.

Hopefully the skills and experiences I have developed growing up, in education and in the career I have taken can benefit the children, help shape the future strategic direction of the academy and can be useful to the team.

Appointed January 2022

Term of office end - January 2026

Pecuniary Interest – None

Mrs Rebecca Harris - VWA Headteacher

Appointed April 2024

Headteacher is a Governor until resignation
Pecuniary Interest – Employee

Mr Simon Russell - EHA Headteacher 

Appointed September 2022

Headteacher is a Governor until resignation
Pecuniary Interest – Employee

Mrs Jane Foster - EHA Deputy Headteacher and Staff Governor

Appointed January 2022

Term of office end - January 2026

Staff Governor

Pecuniary Interest – Employee 

Miss Natalie Nicholson - VWA Deputy Headteacher and Staff Governor

Appointed January 2024

Term of office end - January 2028

Staff Governor

Pecuniary Interest – Employee


Mrs Emma Howard

Appointed January 2022

Term of office end - January 2026

Link Governor - Safeguarding

Pecuniary Interest – None

Mr James Atkin

Appointed January 2022

Term of office end - January 2026

Link Governor - Curriculum

Pecuniary Interest – None 

MrDavid Lambourne

Appointed November 2024

Term of office end - November 2028

Link Governor - 

Pecuniary Interest – None 

Miss Helen Mulligan

Appointed November 2024

Term of office end - November 2028

Link Governor - SEND

Pecuniary Interest – None